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The 2024 Destin Dream Retreat

Family and Leadership Retreat

July 18th & 19th

DISC Certification - July 15th & 16th

Leadership MasterMind - July 17th

Phenomenal Game Changers - July 20th

Dear Phenomenal Inner Circle Member,

Dear Phenomenal Inner Circle Member,

The middle of the year is upon us. The most important thing we can do is take some time to work on our business (and lives) and plan out the rest of the year. Every year, we need a mid-year course correction. We need a retreat. And there is no better place to retreat to than the sunny beaches of Destin, Florida!

Let’s regroup so you can finish the year strong! Join The Howard Partridge Inner Circle Community at the 2024 Destin Dream Retreat! Bring the Entire Family!

This is a family and leadership retreat. Matt and Katy Rush will be with the teens, Jamie and Sarah Marion will be with the younger ones. They will learn that they are born to win! They will learn how to have a healthy self-image, how to build winning relationships and reach their goals. And of course, we will have our famous Sandcastle Building Contest! And of course many fun prizes!

Special Features

ICAN Youth Training with the Marion and Hallas Families

Ziglar Teen Training with
Matt and Katy Rush

Special Features

Ziglar Teen Training with
Matt and Katy Rush

ICAN Youth Training with the Marion and Hallas Families

Here’s the full agenda:

Monday & Tuesday
July 15th & 16th

DISC Level 1 Certification

Get yourself or one of your leaders certified in the DISC Model of Human Behavior So You Can Develop More Leaders In Your Company!

This requires a separate registration and investment

Wednesday July 17th

Leadership Level Members Only

Advanced Leadership Training Day

Find Your Why - Aundrea DeLeon (Director of Coaching for Donald Miller)

The Latest Greatest Leadership Learned This Year – Howard Partridge

How Leaders Stay Focused and Get More Done - Dan Holland (Director of North America, Softwash Systems)

The Patterns of Success - AC Lockyer (Founder of Droplet, International and several brands that span the globe)

Thursday July 18th

All Members & Invited Guests Welcome

Session 1: Put Your Dream to the Test - Howard Partridge

John Maxwell says “a dream is an inspiring picture of the future, that energizes your mind, will and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it.”

Sadly, dreams get brushed aside during the demands of the day. In this session, Howard will get you reconnected to your dream, your vision and your goals, so that you can see your dream and feel your dream!

Session 2: Goal Setting According to DISC - Howard Partridge

Dr. Robert Rohm took the Born To Win bike created by Howard and Tom Ziglar and showed how each personality style tends to set goals. Connect with your style and learn how to lead others in the goal getting process.

Session 3: Plan to Win!

Zig Ziglar said “You were born to win, but in order to be the winner you were born to be, you must plan to win, prepare to win before you can expect to win. But, when you plan to win, and prepare to win, you can EXPECT to win! In this session, you will begin the planning process to finish 2024 well!

Session 4: Play to Win!

Last year, the Inner Circle helped Howard bring a dream to life: Introducing the Born To Win Game! By playing this game, you will prepare yourself to reach more goals by learning the Ziglar Philosophy of LIFE!

Session 5: 7 Steps to a Phenomenal Vision - BK Simendic

BK Started with the Inner Circle back in 2020 and went from 4.6M in his business to 11.8M in 2023. He's now on track to do 14M this year which puts him at a 47% profit margin.

Through his journey he has developed and even achieved many visions, he'll be sharing his phenomenal process and how to create a realistic vision.

Thursday July 18th

All Members & Invited Guests Welcome

Session 1: Put Your Dream to the Test - Howard Partridge

John Maxwell says “a dream is an inspiring picture of the future, that energizes your mind, will and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it.”

Sadly, dreams get brushed aside during the demands of the day. In this session, Howard will get you reconnected to your dream, your vision and your goals, so that you can see your dream and feel your dream!

Session 2: Goal Setting According to DISC - Howard Partridge

Dr. Robert Rohm took the Born To Win bike created by Howard and Tom Ziglar and showed how each personality style tends to set goals. Connect with your style and learn how to lead others in the goal getting process.

Session 3: Plan to Win!

Zig Ziglar said “You were born to win, but in order to be the winner you were born to be, you must plan to win, prepare to win before you can expect to win. But, when you plan to win, and prepare to win, you can EXPECT to win! In this session, you will begin the planning process to finish 2024 well!

Session 4: Play to Win!

Last year, the Inner Circle helped Howard bring a dream to life: Introducing the Born To Win Game! By playing this game, you will prepare yourself to reach more goals by learning the Ziglar Philosophy of LIFE!

Friday July 19th

All Members & Invited Guests Welcome

Session 1: Your Unique Purpose - How You Can Make an Impact on the World - Dr. Bill Greenman

Are there keys to finding and fulfilling your purpose and destiny in life? How do you grow in your understanding and set realistic, attainable goals that still give you the capacity to dream?

Dr. Bill Greenman presents the Master Principles Theory, that states there aren’t thousands of things to do to fulfill your personal purpose and destiny, just a few things. Find them, learn them and apply them and your life will change for the better.

Session 2: Live to Win - Tom Ziglar

Tom Ziglar has had the rare privilege of spending his entire life surrounded by world-class leaders, innovators, and motivators. Family Dinner included the presence of the world's TOP motivator, his father,  Zig Ziglar. As a result, Tom's arsenal of experience and information is absolutely unparalleled.

Tom will share his latest discoveries of living the Born To Win principles in leadership, life and legacy.

Session 3: How to Stay Focused Every Day - Howard Partridge

Every day provides an opportunity. An opportunity to win, or to learn. Or both. We have the opportunity to get better results, have more fun, live with less stress, and get more of the right things done.

Or, we have the opportunity to waste time, get distracted, and ultimately not reach our goals. In this presentation, Howard will share his daily process to stay focused, organized, consistent, uplifted and systematic every day.

Session 4: Great Game of Business - Steve Baker

Steve Baker, VP of The Great Game of Business and co-author of Get in the Game, will share how to get your team in the game upon your return back home.

Special Guest! Special Guest!

Session 5: Martha LaGuardia-Kotite

Martha’s bold leadership style empowered her to become one of the first female officers to serve aboard two Coast Guard cutters with all-male crews. Her story went on to inspire The Guardian, the 2006 film featuring Kevin Costner.

Martha now helps Fortune 100 & 500 companies build trust, corporate leaders, inspire and empower teams, and students as a keynote speaker, moderator, and panelist for events or leadership symposiums. She is excited to be in Destin and ready to fire up your business!

Session 6: Community Celebration

In this final session, we will share our new visions, creations and commitments. This is always a wonderful time together.

Register yourself and your family for the retreat 
Arrange your travel plans 
Get ready for a life-changing, dream-making, breakthrough event!

Special Resort Rate!

Limited Availability

Dream Retreat Location

Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort

Phone: 1-800-320-8115

Address: 9300 Emerald Coast Pkwy W

Miramar Beach, FL 32550

Dream Retreat Location

Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort

Phone: 1-800-622-1038

Address: 9300 Emerald Coast Pkwy W

Miramar Beach, FL 32550


30A On Demand Luxury Transportation


Travel Recommendations

Airport Codes

ECP – Panama City (35 -45 minutes away)

VPS – Fort Walton Beach (35-45 mins away)

PNS – Pensacola (1 1/2 hours away)

Event Location

Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort
9300 Emerald Coast Pkwy W
Miramar Beach, FL 32550

Phone: 1-800-320-8115

Contact Us


Phone: 281-634-0404

Text: 832-906-8802

Join your fellow Inner Circle Members at the 2024 Destin Dream Retreat! 

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