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Our Next Inner Circle Conference Event

February 23-24

Dear Phenomenal Inner Circle Member,

You are building your business so you can have more FREEDOM in your life, but you aren’t where you want to be. 


The Inner Circle Conference is designed to inspire you to keep moving toward your biggest dreams and goals, to connect you with the coaching community and to help you unshackle yourself from your everyday business so you can live out your true purpose. 

To help you continue your journey toward a predictable, profitable, turnkey operation. Remember, the one and only reason your business exists is to be a vehicle to help you achieve your L.I.F.E. goals.

L.I.F.E. stands for Living in Freedom Every Day

There is no freedom in being a slave to your business.

There is no freedom in being a slave to debt.

There is no freedom being held hostage by disengaged team members.

There is no freedom in not having the right kind of relationships in your life.

There is no freedom in not living out the purpose you were called to live.

You CAN have a predictable, profitable, turnkey operation!

And you can have a balanced life too.

By getting away from the pressure cooker of everyday life and into the bubble of love called the Inner Circle community, you will be inspired to take your life, your team, and your business to the next level!

We have a conference every 90 days for a reason. We come together every 90 days because we need the support, encouragement and accountability on a regular basis.

If you are ready for more FREEDOM to be, do and have everything you are supposed to be, do, and have, then join the small business revolution and get registered now.

Small business is the backbone of America.
 It has always been and always will be.

"American freedom is under attack." The government is overreaching, the media has created a culture of selfishness, greed and hatred. Public education is in pitiful shape. Corporate America is creating slaves everyday and trying to control the thoughts and values of their employees, and the world. Big tech is addicting our kids, turning them into mindless fools at best and murdering monsters at worst.

In the midst of all of this is small business America. You can have a positive influence in the lives of your team members, your clients, your vendors and Your community at large. You CAN make a difference.

But you can’t do it if you’re a slave to your business. You can’t do it when you're a slave to debt. You can’t do it if you don't know how to lead. And we can’t do it without each other.

I’m reminded of The American Revolution. A ragtag militia outsmarted the most powerful army in the world.

Together, small business owners can band together and make a difference in this world.

Howard Partridge

Meet And Learn From mORE OF These Freedom Fighters!

Donald Miller

Building a Story Brand

Donald Miller is a best-selling author, speaker, and business consultant who developed the StoryBrand framework. The StoryBrand framework is a powerful tool that helps businesses clarify their messaging and communicate their brand story in a way that resonates with their audience. In his book "Building a StoryBrand," Miller outlines a seven-step process for creating a compelling brand story that connects with customers and drives business growth. Donald Miller's StoryBrand framework has been embraced by businesses of all sizes, from small startups to Fortune 500 companies, and has become a go-to resource for marketers and business leaders looking to improve their brand messaging and storytelling.

Tommy Mello

Owner of A1 Garage Door Service & Founder of The Home Service Expert

Tommy found his path in garage door freedom. With 29 locations in 19 states, and multiple businesses, and in track to hit almost $200 million this year. Tommy is leading the revolution from the front!

Ellen Rohr

Financial Expert

Ellen found her path in financial freedom and scaled up two different franchise companies into the tens of millions per year.

AC Lockyer

SoftWash Systems Business Owner

AC started out with $200 in the bank and began an exterior cleaning company. After building it up to $4.8 million, he began teaching others. He is the undisputed patriarch of the soft washing industry. Today he has a worldwide network of contractors that are finding freedom in the Soft-wash systems network.

Santiago Arango

Master Coach

Santiago grew up in Columbia in an affluent family. He and his mother were run out of the country by the drug cartel and sought asylum in the U.S. Santiago found American Freedom and his calling. The result? He is a master coach and has been instrumental in the success of our highest level members and continues to be key in Howard’s success.

Jim McDonough

Veterans Solutions Business Owner

One of the leaders in AC’s network, Jim McDonough enrolled Veterans Solutions into the Inner Circle. For the past two years, he has served our community as a coach and trainer. And he holds the first position on the leaderboard as the first franchisee of Phenomenal Business Coaching.

Anita Bycraft-Walker

Business Owner of A Production Building Solutions

Anita went from being homeless to taking her company to over $2 million per year. She has been an Inner Circle member for two decades and today is one of our Phenomenal Business Coaches.

Howard Partridge

Master Business Coach / Author / Speaker & Multi-Business Owner

Howard grew up on welfare, got kicked out of the house when he was almost 18. He had 25 cents in his pocket when he arrived in Houston on a Greyhound bus. He started his first business out of the trunk of his car and built it into a multi-million dollar, turnkey operation.

25 years ago, he launched Phenomenal Products, Inc. and began training and coaching other business owners in over 100 different industries in 20 countries.

In 2022, he launched Phenomenal Business Coaching which allows others to build their own coaching business.

He is the author of 12 books, and of course is our faithful leader whose he considers a privilege and an honor.

Here’s the Phenomenal FREEDOM Agenda…

Here’s the Phenomenal FREEDOM Agenda…


Charles Plumb

Charlie is a United States Naval Academy graduate, former Navy fighter pilot, and Vietnam Prisoner of War (POW). Captain J. Charles Plumb graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis and went on to graduate Navy Flight School. After graduation, he was deployed on an aircraft carrier and flew Navy Fighter Jets over North Vietnam until he was shot down in 1967. He was held as a Prisoner of War until his release in 1973. Charles Plumb retired from the United States Navy Reserve with the rank of Captain after 31 years of service.

"It’s not much fun being a prisoner of war for one hour, much less 2,103 days. That’s how long I spent as a POW during the Vietnam War, from 1967–1973, living in the ironically named “Hanoi Hilton.” The torture, physical and mental anguish, and feelings of loss and abandonment are experiences that no person should ever endure. And while I wouldn’t wish six years as a POW on anyone, I have to say these were undoubtedly the years of my life when I grew the strongest and matured the most."

“I learned that just because you’re in a prison doesn’t mean you are a prisoner. My cramped cell measured just eight feet wide by eight feet long—but the real prison was only eight inches wide: the space between my ears.”

Keynote Speakers

Captain Charles Plumb

Tommy Mello

Garage Door Freedom

How do you scale a garage door sales and service business to over $100 million? Tommy will tell you. 

Tommy Mello is the owner and operator of A1 Garage Door Service, the host of the Home Service Expert podcast, and owner, partner, or investor in 14 other businesses ranging from Christmas lights to real estate to mobile apps. In 2007, Tommy became the sole owner and operator of a single Phoenix-based garage door service business, which came with $50,000 in debt. Today, A1Garage generates north of $100 million dollars in annual revenue, with over 250 employees in 12 states. Tommy is a regular contributor to Inc., Entrepreneur, and other business publications on the topic of entrepreneurship and small business as well as a sought after podcast, radio and television guest. 

Tommy loves his team, and is the fastest implementer you will ever meet.

Donald Miller

How to Grow Your Small Business - A 6 Step Plan

Donald Miller will reveal the six steps he took to grow his business from zero to $17M per year.

Donald Miller is a best-selling author, speaker, and business consultant who developed the StoryBrand framework. The StoryBrand framework is a powerful tool that helps businesses clarify their messaging and communicate their brand story in a way that resonates with their audience. In his book "Building a StoryBrand," Miller outlines a seven-step process for creating a compelling brand story that connects with customers and drives business growth. 

Donald Miller's StoryBrand framework has been embraced by businesses of all sizes, from small startups to Fortune 500 companies, and has become a go-to resource for marketers and business leaders looking to improve their brand messaging and storytelling.

Ellen Rohr

Financial Freedom

Ellen will share the simple ways to understand and move your numbers so you no longer have to be a financial prisoner. Ellen has helped countless business owners make more money and have more freedom as a result. Howard is a living example. Even though his business was doing $2 million per year, he was struggling financially.

With a tapped out line of credit and a dozen maxed out credit cards, Ellen pulled him out of the pit. Today Howard is debt free, his companies are super profitable, and he owns three dream houses.

Thursday May 18th

** All Membership Levels **

Wednesday May 17th

Optional Training for Your Team

The #1 Reason People Don't Reach Their Biggest Dreams and Goals!

On Wednesday May 17th, Inner Circle Coach Santiago Arango will be hosting a ONE-DAY Only Seminar where your team will learn…

The 4 Keys to Implementation
The 10 Principles of Phenomenal Performance
How to Stay Focused, Organized, Consistent, Uplifted and Systematic, Every Day!

So your team can be inspired and reach phenomenal performance!

Plus, Rick Jones will present a bonus session!

Notice: This workshop is an additional investment. You must register your team to attend.

Optional Training for Your Team

The #1 Reason People Don't Reach Their Biggest Dreams and Goals!

On Wednesday May 17th, Inner Circle Coach Santiago Arango will be hosting a ONE-DAY Only Seminar where your team will learn…

The 4 Keys to Implementation
The 10 Principles of Phenomenal Performance
How to Stay Focused, Organized, Consistent, Uplifted and Systematic, Every Day!

So your team can be inspired and reach phenomenal performance!

Plus, Rick Jones will present a bonus session!

Notice: This workshop is an additional investment. You must register your team to attend.

Thursday May 18th Thursday May 18th

Inner Circle Community

Inner Circle Quarterly PReview

Review last quarter. Preview the next quarter, assess your business systems, your leadership journey and your team performance.

Howard Partridge

Living In Freedom Everyday

What does freedom mean to you?
How do you get it?
How do you keep it?
How do you know if you have it?

What do you do when you get off track?
How do you face trials and tribulations?
In this session, Howard will share the secrets of a Phenomenal LIFE.

Ellen Rohr

Financial Freedom

Ellen will share the simple ways to understand and move your numbers so you no longer have to be a financial prisoner. Ellen has helped countless business owners make more money and have more freedom as a result. Howard is a living example. Even though his business was doing $2 million per year, he was struggling financially.

With a tapped out line of credit and a dozen maxed out credit cards, Ellen pulled him out of the pit. Today Howard is debt free, his companies are super profitable, and he owns three dream houses.

Home Services Break Outs

If you are in home services, join our seasoned coaching team and fellow tradesmen, to learn how to have freedom in your industry.

Donald Miller
How to Grow Your Small Business - A 6 Step Plan

Donald Miller will reveal the six steps he took to grow his business from zero to $17M per year.

Friday May 19th

Howard Partridge

Spiritual Freedom


We would be remiss if we shared everything we know about money, business and personal development and didn’t share where true success comes from. This is an optimal session. If you do not attend you will not be judged. If you do attend, you’ll be refreshed to find that it is a Spiritual meeting, not a religious one. No one is going to pressure you, but only love you.

Santiago Arango

American Freedom

One of the most exciting days of Santiago’s life was the day he became a U.S. citizen. He loves the freedom this country has provided him and his family.

Travel with him as he shares his journey from being forced out of his mother country by the Colombian drug cartel to finding freedom in America.

Howard Partridge

The Phenomenal Small Business Revolution

Discover how to break free from the every day demands of your business. Your business has lots of moving parts. Success doesn’t happen overnight. However, there are simple things that you can do to manage your business and keep it moving forward. In this presentation, Howard will reveal the simple steps of success, regardless of what level your business is at right now, you can break the chains and break free to the next level.

Special Guest

Memorial Day...

Memorial Day is coming up. A day we remember those who have ultimately sacrificed their lives for our freedom. We get to barbecue in our backyards, go boating or play on the beach on Memorial Day because of those who died.

And tragically many of those who did not die were scarred for life. Not just physically, but emotionally. Twenty two veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY.

Fortunately there are people doing something about it. Meet Jonathan Kim, COO of Gringo’s restaurants. Gringo’s has raised over $1M for Camp Hope and The PTSD Foundation of America.

Jonathan intends on doing 2200 pull-ups at Camp Hope Memorial Day weekend. He has come close in the past.

Jim McDonough & Anita Bycraft-Walker

Phenomenal Success Stories

Jim McDonough with Veterans Solutions will speak on his success and the stories it took to get there. Also, Anita Bycraft-Walker will speak on finding freedom in Phenomenal Business Coaching, and what that means for everyone.

AC Lockyer

Softwashing Freedom

AC launched a revolution in the pressure washing industry by leading the charge on softwashing. He will share how he got free and how his tribe is getting free.

Tommy Mello

Garage Door Freedom

How do you scale a garage door sakes and service business to over $100 million? Tommy will tell you.

Tommy Mello is the owner and operator of A1 Garage Door Service, the host of the Home Service Expert podcast, and owner, partner, or investor in 14 other businesses ranging from Christmas lights to real estate to mobile apps. In 2007, Tommy became the sole owner and operator of a single Phoenix-based garage door service business, which came with $50,000 in debt. Today, A1Garage generates north of $100 million dollars in annual revenue, with over 250 employees in 12 states. Tommy is a regular contributor to Inc., Entrepreneur, and other business publications on the topic of entrepreneurship and small business as well as a sought after podcast, radio and television guest.

Tommy loves his team, and is the fasted implementer you will ever meet.

Captain Charles Plumb

Six Year Prisoner

Charlie is a United States Naval Academy graduate, former Navy fighter pilot, and Vietnam Prisoner of War (POW). Captain J. Charles Plumb graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis and went on to graduate Navy Flight School. After graduation, he was deployed on an aircraft carrier and flew Navy Fighter Jets over North Vietnam until he was shot down in 1967. He was held as a Prisoner of War until his release in 1973. Charles Plumb retired from the United States Navy Reserve with the rank of Captain after 31 years of service.

Register for the Conference Below...


Register Below 


Systems Level

Inner Circle 747

Here's exactly what you're getting...

Per Person Registration to the Phenomenal Freedom Conference
Conference Keynote Speakers: Tommy Mello, Donald Miller, Ellen Rohr, Santiago Arango & Charles Plumb 
Lunch Provided on May 18th & 19th
Phenomenal Community Experience

Leadership Level
with Ellen Rohr

Inner Circle 777 & 787

Here's exactly what you're getting...

Full Day Leadership Master Mind on May 17th with Ellen Rohr
Per Person Registration to the Phenomenal Freedom Conference
Conference Keynote SpeakersTommy Mello, Donald Miller, Ellen Rohr, Santiago Arango & Charles Plumb
Lunch provided on May 17th, 18th & 19th
Phenomenal Community Experience

Phenomenal Game Changers
with Tommy Mello

Registration includes benefits above based on your membership level plus...

Full Day Game Changer Meeting on May 20th with Tommy Mello
Intimate Meeting with Tommy - he will share his experience of building a multi-state business empire. Ask him questions and engage with your peers.
Lunch provided 

Conference Location

The Westin Galleria Houston

Group Rate EXPIRES: Friday, April 28th, 2023

Phone: 713-585-4673

Address: 5060 W. Alabama Houston, TX 77056

Top Frequently Asked Questions

Can we bring team members to the event?

Yes! We encourage all companies to bring their spouse and team however the Leadership Mastermind is for Business Owners ONLY. 

Does our registration include meals?

Lunch is provided. Dinner is on your own and for community time!

Will we get the video recordings of the event?

Yes! If the video is successfully recorded and presenters authorize to share their content publicly. 

Can I cancel my registration?

All registrations must be final by Wednesday, May 3rd due to hotel meal count however, we understand that there may be unforeseen situations. Please email the team and we will address on a one on one basis. 

What is the dress code?

We ask that you attend in business casual or professional attire. No hats or tennis shoes allowed please. 

Should I anticipate changes to the schedule?

Yes! We strive to provide the most phenomenal community experience EVER. That being said, we may change the agenda or meeting times as needed. 

© Copyright Howard Partridge.  All Rights Reserved.

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