Can we bring team members to the event?
Yes! We encourage all companies to bring their spouse and team, however the Leadership Mastermind is for Leadership Level Members ONLY!
Does our registration include meals?
Lunch is provided. Dinner is on your own and for community time!
Will we get the video recordings of the event?
Yes! If the video is successfully recorded and presenters authorize to share their content publicly.
Can I cancel my registration?
All registrations must be final 2 weeks out from the conference start date. Due to venue meal count however, we understand that there may be unforeseen situations. Please email the team and we will address on a one on one basis.
What is the dress code?
We ask that you attend in business casual or professional attire. Avoid hats or "daily-wear-shoes" please.
Should I anticipate changes to the schedule?
Yes! We strive to provide the most phenomenal community experience EVER. That being said, we may change the agenda or meeting times as needed.
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