How do you turn your team around? You frst value them for who they are (and
whose they are I might add—they’re not yours!) Every human being is God’s
creation. We need to treat them that way. Don’t worry, you won’t have to let
them get away with murder. We’ll talk about how to get them to do what you
want them to do in a minute.
But frst, I want to talk about you and your ego. Part of our problem as
business owners is we think we are all-important. And because I’m the boss,
everyone else needs to bow down and do what I say. Sure, you’re the boss
and you should be respected. But you want to have the right kind of respect.
Instead of forced respect, you want earned respect. Tere’s a diference.
If you are willing to humble yourself, let your staff know that you care
about them, and you want to make improvements that will beneft all, and
you begin to become a better leader by learning and practicing proven leader-
ship skills, and you press on to build a phenomenal leadership system, you will
have a diferent business and life. I can promise you that.
One of the most rewarding parts of my life is watching my team grow
professionally and personally. I have a little plaque in my private study that
says “Success is making a diference in the lives of others. Happiness is watch-
ing them grow because of it.” One of my core beliefs is that we are on this
earth to love God and to love others—to make a diference. I think deep
down everyone wants to make a diference. Do you?